Our service begins even before you make a decision about an apartment,
because we want to help you find exactly what you're looking for - i.e., an apartment which will satisfy every need and desire.
Our apartments are distinctively different one from another, and each has its own character in keeping with the individual owner's taste.
We are completely familiar with each apartment: the arrangement of rooms, the style of furnishing, the view, the location, the
Since all this cannot be standardized and since our offer is constantly being brought up to date, we cannot cram all the features and details into a single catalogue. That's why we provide a choice of apartments that can match your preferences. To that end, the questionnaire you'll find on
the following page has been designed to allow us to single out the apartment ideal for you.
After hearing from you, we will send you via e-mail a thorough description of the apartments available for the dates you prefer. This service is obviously free and without obligation.
To give you some idea of our selection, we have prepared some typical examples of what we offer, examples from the broad range of apartments at our
Typical examples
| questionnaire
for ideal apartment
